About Us

The 3rd International Conference on Conflict and Cooperation (CECC) June 1-2, 2023 


We want to support successful and effective environmental research, policies, and actions. Believing that social-environmental scientists, and ecologists trying to bridge the gap between science and policy, often lack a network and a "home" for supporting their work, the CECC conference creates such a place for them - for US.

The CECC conference aims to provide science-based practical insights for scholars, activists, practitioners, planners and policy-makers, by sharing tools and frameworks that can support more effective integration, actionability and sustainability towards change-making and sustained transformations. At both the global and local scales, we hope to brainstorm ways to address the challenges we face as we aim to integrate diverse knowledge, experience, and approaches to effect sustainability transformations on the ground. We hope participants will leave inspired by the ideas and work of their peers, fortified with new ideas, cases, and community in our work for positive change.

This is the 3rd international Conference on Environmental Conflict and Cooperation (CECC). The first conference, in March 2021, included a multitude of scholars and lecturers from Europe, the Middle East, East Asia, Latin America, Canada, and the US. Last year's emphasis was on Bridging the Gap - focusing on adding a new perspective of bridging the gap between social and environmental spheres, in research and in practice. This stems from a sense of ecological urgency, requiring an "all hands on deck" approach to science and policy, on local and global levels.

The conference this year is a collaboration between the University of California, Davis (Departments of Sociology, Jewish Studies), the University of California, Berkeley, Brock University (Canada), the Hebrew University Center for Sustainability, the Coastal and Marine Science Institute (CMSI), and the Arava Institute of Environmental Studies (AIES).  


Conference Organizers

Yael pic


Yael Teff-Seker (Ph.D.)

Email: yteffseker@ucdavis.edu 

Click here for Yael Teff-Seker's website





Naama Sadan 

Email: naama.sadan@berkeley.edu 

Click here for Naama Sadan's website. 



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Jennifer Holzer

Email: jholzer@brocku.ca

Click here for Jennifer Holzer's website